There are wonderful people everywhere! We thought it interesting to highlight some of those we’ve met throughout our many years of going to the Baja. Whether for business or pleasure, the connections we’ve made are long lasting and meaningful.
There’s very little a person can accomplish without a team or without friends to work alongside. From the Aramburo family to the Ungson family, from good Canadian and American friends living in the Baja to our dear friend Jose Antonio, we are fortunate in our many friendships.
So we’re starting with Marcela. Marcela Gonzalez Moreno to be precise, a warm and wonderful woman whom we first met through Spanish lessons. She was our teacher and a mighty fine one. She did her best to teach us, but we have a long ways to go.
However, we did learn a lot about Marcela herself and realized that her persistence and dedication, her practical yet optimistic way of approaching challenges would be perfect for helping us with projects. We hired her as manager of a condo hotel in La Paz that we were turning into resort real estate. She took care of the books, the clients, the staff and all the daily issues that arose. And did everything calmly and cheerfully. Clients would come back year after year and upon entering the hotel they would call out “Marcela, we’re home!”
In recent years she’s helped us with research for possible projects. Whenever we need some information, Marcela finds it, pronto! She has a knack and a nose for tracking down articles and people and knows what’s going on in the Baja, especially in La Paz. She is invaluable, always open to suggestions and ready to do what’s required. All that, and friendship as well! How lucky are we!
We’re thankful to know her and work with her on projects that help us support the causes that Greenangels has written about over the years. She’s made a point of letting us know that it’s the causes that warm her heart. And her commitment warms ours.