"The better angels of our nature."
~ Lincoln
We feature inspiring stories of people and their projects with whom we've worked, people who care about this great world we live in. GreenAngels is proud to lend its support because together, we can make a real difference.
Our Baja Connections
By Ina Timmer
There are wonderful people everywhere! We thought it interesting to highlight some of those we’ve met throughout our many years of going to the Baja. Whether for business or pleasure, the connections we’ve made are long lasting and meaningful. There’s very little a person can accomplish without a team or without friends to work alongside. […]
Pin Money Moms
By Ina Timmer
UPDATE: Feb 2025 We are making progress! You may recall reading about Elsa Aramburo and her Casa Shalom on Greenangels. We’ve been going back and forth sharing ideas and moving forward with plans to not only help women in her community to become PinMoneyMoms, but also to work on behalf of Casa Shalom. Elsa has […]
Casa Shalom
By Ina Timmer
Oct 9, 2024: Update from Elsa Aramburo, As you may know, after serving the Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México community and leading a private, bilingual K-12 school for 21 years with 375 students and a staff of 35, the school closed because of the pandemic. It is time to redefine what I do now […]
Who We Are
Greenangels's mission is to 'make a difference' to those who need our help by 'making a dollar' in order to support that help. We work particularly with projects in the Southern Baja.